Cyclops is Scott Summers, a character created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee in 1963, a founding member of the X-Men group and the team’s field leader. Born a mutant, he has the power to project pure energy from his eyes, through rays of concussive energy controlled by his ruby quartz display. He was the first student of Prof. X, and fighting for peace and equality between humans and mutants since joining the X-Men.
Iron Studios presents Cyclops BDS Art Scale 1/10 Statue from Marvel Comics. Our hand-painted collectible statues and toys are the best gift for yourself or your loved ones.
– Limited edition
– Made in polystone
– Hand painted
*The X-Men Art Scale figures that are sold separately cannot be attached to this Sentinel. If you want to have the Sentinel Vs X-Men you must order the Full Set, which is also in Pre Order.
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